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The Best Way to Download Facebook Comments and Analyze Them


How to Download Facebook Comments Easily and Quickly

Facebook comments are a valuable source of information and feedback for any business or individual who wants to understand their audience, improve their products or services, or run contests and giveaways. However, downloading Facebook comments is not as easy as it sounds, as Facebook does not provide a straightforward way to do it. In this article, we will show you how to download Facebook comments from your own page or from other pages, using different tools and methods. We will also show you how to analyze and use the downloaded comments to gain insights and improve your social media strategy.

Why Download Facebook Comments?

Before we dive into the how-to part, let's first understand why you might want to download Facebook comments in the first place. Here are some of the benefits and use cases of downloading Facebook comments:

download facebook comments

Benefits of downloading Facebook comments

  • You can save the comments for future reference or backup, in case you delete the post or lose access to your account.

  • You can export the comments to other formats, such as Excel, CSV, JSON, or PDF, for easier viewing and manipulation.

  • You can analyze the comments using various tools and techniques, such as sentiment analysis, word cloud, topic modeling, or text mining.

  • You can extract useful information from the comments, such as names, emails, phone numbers, hashtags, keywords, or links.

  • You can engage with your audience by replying to their comments, thanking them for their feedback, answering their questions, or addressing their concerns.

Use cases of downloading Facebook comments

  • You can download Facebook comments to run a contest or giveaway, and choose a random winner from the comments. You can also verify the eligibility of the participants by checking their profiles or other criteria.

  • You can download Facebook comments to measure customer satisfaction, and see how your audience reacts to your posts, products, or services. You can also identify positive and negative feedback, and improve your offerings accordingly.

  • You can download Facebook comments to conduct market research, and learn more about your target audience, their preferences, needs, pain points, or opinions. You can also discover new trends, opportunities, or niches in your industry.

  • You can download Facebook comments to generate content ideas, and see what topics your audience is interested in, what questions they have, or what problems they face. You can then create content that answers their queries or solves their issues.

  • You can download Facebook comments to build relationships, and show your appreciation and gratitude to your fans, followers, or customers. You can also encourage them to share your posts, leave reviews, or refer others to your business.

How to Download Facebook Comments from Your Own Page

If you want to download Facebook comments from your own page, you have two main options: using Facebook's own tool or using third-party tools. Let's see how each option works:

Using Facebook's Download Your Information tool

Facebook has a built-in tool called Download Your Information that allows you to download a copy of your data on Facebook, including your posts, photos, videos, messages, friends list, and more. You can also use this tool to download your own page's comments by following these steps:

  • Go to and click on Your Facebook Information.

  • Click on Download Your Information and select the data you want to download. You can choose the date range, the format, and the quality of the media files.

  • Under Your Information, make sure to check the box for Comments. You can also check other boxes if you want to download other data, such as posts, likes, reactions, or messages.

  • Click on Create File and wait for Facebook to prepare your download. This may take some time depending on the size of your data and the traffic on Facebook.

  • Once your file is ready, you will receive a notification and an email from Facebook. You can then go back to the Download Your Information page and click on Download to get your file.

  • You will need to enter your password to confirm the download. The file will be in a ZIP format, which you can extract using any ZIP extractor software.

  • Inside the ZIP file, you will find a folder called comments, which contains all your comments in HTML files. You can open these files with any web browser or text editor.

Note that this method only allows you to download your own comments, not the comments of other people on your page. Also, this method does not provide any filtering or sorting options for the comments, so you may have to manually search for the comments you want.

Using third-party tools like Comment Picker or Comment Exporter

If you want more control and flexibility over downloading your own page's comments, you can use third-party tools that are designed for this purpose. There are many tools available online, but we will mention two of them as examples: Comment Picker and Comment Exporter. Here is how they work:

Comment Picker

is a free online tool that allows you to download Facebook comments from any public post or video. You can also use it to pick a random winner from the comments, which is useful for contests and giveaways. Here is how to use it:

  • Go to the Comment Picker website and click on Facebook Tools.

  • Click on Facebook Comment Picker and log in with your Facebook account. You may need to grant some permissions to the tool to access your page's data.

  • Paste the URL of the post or video that you want to download comments from in the input box and click on Get Comments.

  • The tool will fetch all the comments from the post or video and display them in a table. You can see the name, profile picture, comment text, and date of each comment.

  • You can filter the comments by keyword, hashtag, or mention using the Filter Comments option. You can also sort the comments by date or name using the Sort Comments option.

  • You can select the comments that you want to download by checking the boxes next to them. You can also select all or none using the buttons at the top.

  • You can download the selected comments as a CSV file by clicking on Download CSV. You can also copy them to your clipboard by clicking on Copy Comments.

Note that this tool has some limitations, such as a maximum of 5000 comments per post or video, and a maximum of 1000 comments per download. Also, this tool does not support live videos or private posts.

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Comment Exporter

is another free online tool that allows you to download Facebook comments from any public post or video. You can also use it to analyze the comments using various metrics, such as sentiment, emotion, gender, or location. Here is how to use it:

  • Go to the Comment Exporter website and click on Login with Facebook. You may need to grant some permissions to the tool to access your page's data.

  • Paste the URL of the post or video that you want to download comments from in the input box and click on Analyze Comments.

  • The tool will fetch all the comments from the post or video and display them in a table. You can see the name, profile picture, comment text, date, sentiment, emotion, gender, and location of each comment.You can filter the comments by sentiment, emotion, gender, or location using the Filter Comments option. You can also search for specific keywords or phrases using the Search Comments option.

  • You can select the comments that you want to download by checking the boxes next to them. You can also select all or none using the buttons at the top.

  • You can download the selected comments as a CSV file by clicking on Download CSV. You can also copy them to your clipboard by clicking on Copy Comments.

Note that this tool has some limitations, such as a maximum of 100 comments per post or video, and a maximum of 10 comments per download. Also, this tool does not support live videos or private posts.

How to Download Facebook Comments from Other Pages

If you want to download Facebook comments from other pages, such as your competitors, influencers, or industry leaders, you have two main options: using web scraping tools or using browser extensions. Let's see how each option works:

Using web scraping tools like Apify or Octoparse

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites using software tools. There are many web scraping tools available online, but we will mention two of them as examples: Apify and Octoparse. Here is how they work:


is a cloud-based platform that allows you to create and run web scraping and automation tasks. You can use it to download Facebook comments from any public page by following these steps:

  • Go to the Apify website and sign up for a free account. You will get 10 GB of storage and 100 compute units per month.

  • Go to the page and click on Try for free. This will open the Apify app in a new tab.

  • In the Apify app, enter the URL of the page that you want to download comments from in the Start URLs field. You can also enter multiple URLs separated by commas.

  • In the Input section, scroll down to the Data to include in results field and check the box for Comments. You can also check other boxes if you want to download other data, such as likes, reactions, shares, or posts.

  • In the same section, scroll down to the Pagination and scrolling options field and enter the number of pages or posts that you want to scrape in the Total number of pages/posts to scroll down field. You can also enter the number of seconds to wait between each scroll in the Wait for x seconds between scrolls field.

  • In the same section, scroll down to the Data export options field and choose the format that you want to download the data in. You can choose from JSON, CSV, XML, Excel, or HTML.

  • In the top right corner, click on Save & Run. This will start the scraping task and show you the progress and results.

  • Once the task is finished, you can download the data by clicking on Data, then on Datasets, then on your chosen format. You can also view the data online by clicking on Data Preview.

Note that this method requires some technical skills and may not work for some pages due to Facebook's anti-scraping measures. Also, this method may consume a lot of compute units depending on the size and complexity of your task.


is another cloud-based platform that allows you to create and run web scraping and automation tasks. You can use it to download Facebook comments from any public page by following these steps:

  • Go to the Octoparse website and sign up for a free account. You will get 10 tasks and 10,000 records per month.

  • Download and install the Octoparse app on your computer. You will need to log in with your account credentials.

  • In the Octoparse app, click on New Task (Advanced Mode). This will open a new tab with a built-in browser.

  • In the browser tab, enter the URL of the page that you want to download comments from and click on Go. This will load the page in the browser.

  • Load More Comments button at the bottom of the page until you see all the comments that you want to download.

  • In the left panel, click on Select and then click on any comment on the page. This will create a loop to extract all the comments.

  • In the left panel, click on Extract Data and then click on any element of the comment that you want to download, such as name, profile picture, comment text, date, or reactions. This will create a data field for each element.

  • In the left panel, click on Export Data and choose the format that you want to download the data in. You can choose from Excel, CSV, JSON, HTML, or database.

  • In the top right corner, click on Save and give a name to your task. Then click on Run and choose whether to run the task locally or in the cloud.

  • Once the task is finished, you can download the data by clicking on Data Export, then on your chosen format. You can also view the data online by clicking on Data View.

Note that this method requires some technical skills and may not work for some pages due to Facebook's anti-scraping measures. Also, this method may consume a lot of resources depending on the size and complexity of your task.

Using browser extensions like Grouply or Turbo Ad Finder

If you want a simpler and faster way to download Facebook comments from other pages, you can use browser extensions that are designed for this purpose. There are many browser extensions available online, but we will mention two of them as examples: Grouply and Turbo Ad Finder. Here is how they work:


is a Chrome extension that allows you to download Facebook comments from any public group or page. You can also use it to download posts, members, or admins from any group or page. Here is how to use it:

  • Go to the Grouply website and install the extension on your Chrome browser. You will need to log in with your Facebook account.

  • Go to the group or page that you want to download comments from and open the post that contains the comments.

  • Click on the Grouply icon in your browser toolbar and choose Download Comments. This will open a pop-up window with some options.

  • In the pop-up window, choose the format that you want to download the comments in. You can choose from Excel, CSV, JSON, or TXT.

  • In the same window, choose whether you want to download all comments or only top-level comments. You can also choose whether you want to include replies or not.

  • In the same window, click on Download Now. This will start downloading the comments to your computer.

Note that this method is very easy and fast, but it has some limitations, such as a maximum of 5000 comments per post, and a lack of filtering or sorting options for the comments.

Turbo Ad Finder

is another Chrome extension that allows you to download Facebook comments from any public page. You can also use it to find and analyze Facebook ads from any page or niche. Here is how to use it:

  • Go to the Turbo Ad Finder website and install the extension on your Chrome browser. You will need to log in with your Facebook account.

  • Go to the page that you want to download comments from and open the post that contains the comments.

  • Click on the Turbo Ad Finder icon in your browser toolbar and choose Show Comments. This will open a sidebar with all the comments on the post.

  • In the sidebar, click on Select All Comments. This will select all the comments in the sidebar.

  • In the same sidebar, click on Copy Selected Comments. This will copy all the selected comments to your clipboard.

  • Paste the copied comments into any text editor or spreadsheet software. You can then save them as any format that you want.

Note that this method is also very easy and fast, but it has some limitations, such as a lack of filtering or sorting options for the comments, and a dependency on Facebook's layout and design.

How to Analyze and Use the Downloaded Facebook Comments

Once you have downloaded the Facebook comments, you may want to analyze and use them for various purposes. Here are some of the ways you can do that:

Importing the comments into Excel or Google Sheets

One of the simplest ways to analyze and use the downloaded Facebook comments is to import them into Excel or Google Sheets. These are spreadsheet software that allow you to view, edit, filter, sort, and manipulate data in various ways. Here is how to import the comments into Excel or Google Sheets:

  • Open Excel or Google Sheets on your computer or online.

  • Click on File, then on Open, then on Browse or Upload.

  • Select the file that contains the downloaded Facebook comments. This could be a CSV, JSON, XML, or HTML file, depending on the format that you chose when downloading the comments.

  • Click on Open or Import. This will load the file into the spreadsheet.

  • You may need to adjust some settings, such as the delimiter, the encoding, or the header row, depending on the format and structure of the file.

  • You will see the downloaded Facebook comments in a table, with each comment in a row and each element in a column. You can then use the spreadsheet's features to analyze and use the comments.

Some of the features that you can use in Excel or Google Sheets are:

  • Filters: You can apply filters to any column to show only the comments that match certain criteria, such as keywords, names, dates, or sentiments.

  • Formulas: You can use formulas to perform calculations or operations on the comments, such as counting, summing, averaging, or concatenating.

  • Charts: You can use charts to visualize the data in the comments, such as pie charts, bar charts, line charts, or scatter plots.

  • Pivot Tables: You can use pivot tables to summarize and aggregate the data in the comments, such as grouping, sorting, or ranking.

  • Data Validation: You can use data validation to check the accuracy and quality of the data in the comments, such as removing duplicates, errors, or blanks.

  • Data Analysis: You can use data analysis tools to perform advanced statistical analysis on the data in the comments, such as regression, correlation, or hypothesis testing.

Extracting insights and feedback from the comments

Another way to analyze and use the downloaded Facebook comments is to extract insights and feedback from them. Insights and feedback are valuable information that can help you understand your audience, improve your products or services, or create better content. Here are some of the ways you can extract insights and feedback from the comments:

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is the process of identifying and measuring the emotions and opinions expressed in text. You can use sentiment analysis to determine whether the comments are positive, negative, or neutral towards your post, product, service, or brand. You can also identify specific emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or surprise. Sentiment analysis can help you measure customer satisfaction, identify pain points, or monitor brand reputation.

Word Cloud

Word cloud is a visual representation of the frequency of words in text. You can use word cloud to see what words are most commonly used in the comments. This can help you discover keywords, themes, topics, or hashtags that are relevant to your audience. You can also see what words are associated with positive or negative sentiments. Word cloud can help you generate content ideas, optimize your SEO, or create catchy headlines.

Topic Modeling

Topic modeling is the process of discovering and grouping the main topics or themes in text. You can use topic modeling to see what topics are discussed in the comments. This can help you understand the interests, needs, or opinions of your audience. You can also see how the topics are related to each other or to your post, product, service, or brand. Topic modeling can help you conduct market research, segment your audience, or create personalized content.

Text Mining

Text mining is the process of extracting and analyzing useful information from text. You can use text mining to extract information from the comments, such as names, emails, phone numbers, links, hashtags, keywords, or mentions. This can help you collect leads, contacts, or referrals from your audience. You can also use text mining to analyze information from the comments, such as sentiment, emotion, gender, location, or language. This can help you profile your audience, target your marketing, or customize your communication.


Downloading Facebook comments is a useful and powerful way to leverage the data and feedback that your audience provides on your social media platform. You can download Facebook comments from your own page or from other pages using different tools and methods, such as Facebook's own tool, third-party tools, web scraping tools, or browser extensions. You can also analyze and use the downloaded Facebook comments for various purposes, such as running contests, measuring satisfaction, conducting research, generating content, or building relationships.

We hope that this article has helped you learn how to download Facebook comments easily and quickly. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below.


  • Q: How can I download Facebook comments for free?

  • A: There are many free tools and methods that you can use to download Facebook comments, such as Comment Picker, Comment Exporter, Grouply, Turbo Ad Finder, or Facebook's own tool. However, some of these tools may have some limitations or restrictions on the number or quality of the comments that you can download.

  • Q: How can I download Facebook comments from private groups or pages?

  • A: Downloading Facebook comments from private groups or pages is not possible unless you have access to them. If you are a member or an admin of a private group or page, you can use the same tools and methods that we mentioned above to download the comments. However, if you are not a member or an admin of a private group or page, you will not be able to download the comments due to Facebook's privacy policies.

  • Q: How can I download Facebook comments from live videos?

  • A: Downloading Facebook comments from live videos is not easy as most of the tools and methods that we mentioned above do not support live videos. However, there are some possible ways that you can try to download the comments from live videos, such as using web scraping tools like Apify or Octoparse with custom scripts or using browser extensions like Grouply or Turbo Ad Finder with manual scrolling.

  • Q: How can I download Facebook comments in bulk?

  • A: Downloading Facebook comments in bulk is possible if you use web scraping tools like Apify or Octoparse that allow you to enter multiple URLs of the pages that you want to download comments from. However, this may require some technical skills and may consume a lot of resources depending on the size and complexity of your task.

  • Q: How can I download Facebook comments with images?

  • A: Downloading Facebook comments with images is not possible with most of the tools and methods that we mentioned above as they only extract the text of the comments. However , there are some possible ways that you can try to download the comments with images, such as using web scraping tools like Apify or Octoparse with custom scripts that can capture the image URLs or using browser extensions like Grouply or Turbo Ad Finder with manual copying and pasting of the images.



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